From a group of images (such as people or objects), the computer will randomly pick them one at a time until each has been selected.
This application was made using Java 11 (LTS) and requires a Java 11+ Runtime Environment (JRE) installed. A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) can be downloaded from Adoptium. This version should also work on Apple Mac's and Linux based computers with a suitable JRE installed!
Download Random Select (13KB Jar)
Version 0.2a (06/10/2024)
For example, use a folder with class photos to select students to answer questions.
Create a folder with some task images (e.g. plant to water, fish to feed etc...) and let this application pick them for a person or group to complete.
This was made using Java and should run on any computer than has Java 11+ installed including Windows, Apple and Linux PC's! Completely free to use which also means no risk if you find you don't like it!