This site is home to the many programs I have made. There are games and applications for Windows, Web Browsers, Java, Cybiko and Amiga! About this site:
The programs and source on this site were created by me (ssjx) and can be used freely by anyone.
You are more than welcome to host these downloads on your own website but please do not direct link to them here.
And finally, everything on this site is used at your own risk!
🦋 Follow me on Bluesky for release announcements and other great stuff!
⭐ 🦋 Now on Bluesky! - Social Media
You can now follow this site on Bluesky! This site does have a page on Mastodon but I found it slow and awkward to use
so did not make much use of it. Bluesky seems quicker and nicer to use so will see how that works out. The Mastodon site is still live but
will not be the primary social thing. Thanks for following!
These first three are an example of how improvements to one application benefits other applications!
✔️ 🎨 Animator - Java Application
Animator has had a bit of an over haul. This application can be used as a line art animation program or to create simple slideshows. The main
visible change is that the default save format has changed from Autodesk FLI to uncompress AVI files, the advantage of this is that the animations
created can be imported more easily into other programs. Many bugs have been fixed and there is a new blend effect which combine the previous and next frame!
✔️ 🖼️ Viewer - Java Application
Minor tweak, this now has a toolbar like Animator! Pretty much copy and pasted from Animator, it makes the application a little nicer to use! Viewer
can show and play obscure file formats such as Amiga IFF, Autodesk FLI/FLC, Cybiko pics and various others!
✔️ 📝 Anagram - Java Application
The updates to Animator have filtered down to Anagram as well! Anagram lets you create your own word games based on a list of words and sentences. This
update gives it a proper toolbar too and keyboard shortcuts.
⭐ 🔒 Memory Safe Programming Languages - Guide
This new guide gives an overview and the advantages and disadvantages of some of the memory safe languages available. It is written
based on my (albeit limited) experience using them. Although they will not solve every programming issue, they can and do help solve some
of them!
✔️ 🐢 Turtle Draw - Browser Game
Turtle Draw is a drag and drop Logo programming activity. This update has some improvements taken from Pathfinder below including a System menu
allowing you to easily clear the code and drawing areas rather than refreshing the page.
✔️ 🕹️ Pathfinder - Browser Game
Pathfinder is an activity where you have to guide your vehicle to the finish line by programming it. Add a Start button, attached your commands to it
and then press play! Some levels have a limited number of certain instructions and you need to collect any diamonds that may be on the map. I like to think
of it as a combination of Big Trak and Scratch! This update fixes a code generation bug plus adds a few new options (under System).
⭐ 🎨 Image File Formats - Guide
This is a restored and updated guide to the many image file formats that are available! For this site I run everything
through OptiPNG, though sometimes PNG is not always the best format. This guide lists the pros and cons of the various formats
as well as a few tips.
⭐ ♟️ Portal Panic! - Browser Game
Snakes and Ladders variant! Roll the dice and try to get to the portal device before the Enemy scientist! Landing on a
portal will randomly transport you to another portal! Putting it in the 'Strategy' section does seem bit of a stretch...
⭐ 🚀 Space Search - Browser Game
Web version of the desktop game also on this site! Loosely based on the old Trek games, command your space ship across many
sectors of space searching and destroying the Enemy ships!
⭐ 🛒 Affiliates Links - Guides
Slightly off-topic, at the top and bottom of this site there are affiliate links. I thought it may be worth a guide explaining what the links are
and how they may be useful to readers. Thanks for looking! Normal service will be resumed shortly!
✔️ 🧮 Maths Games - Browser Games
Some of the Maths games have been updated and are now grouped under the 'Singapore Maths' category. They all
use bars, blocks or similar to represent numbers and how they relate to each other. Each of the activities
now has a more consistent look and feel. Click the link to check them out!
✔️ 🫖 Countdown Letters / Numbers Game - Browser Games
Both Countdown based games have had bit of a code clean up. As they are both very similar, they were also a test of Javascript's module system so now share some code. This is something I may try and do with other web games on this site.
⭐ 💾 QOI Viewer - Amiga Application!
My first Amiga program in probably more than two decades! Following on from below, I have ported my QOI Viewer to the
Amiga using Blitz Basic (2.1). The main limitation is the resolution, the image needs to be 320x256 or lower. It does
not use any of the Amiga's HAM modes but does use error diffusion to help improve the 256 colour image.
⭐ 🗜️ Bmp2Qoi Converter - Command Line Image Compressor / Guide
Converts a 24bit bitmap to a QOI compressed image! Viewer can already show QOI images so I thought it would be good if I could get a QOI encoder working too! The QOI format is useful because it is fast, easy to understand and offers pretty good compression. This version was made using the D Programming Language and includes source!
✔️ 🕹️ Another Armour Ranger Adventure (v2) - Windows Game
This game has been remade in C#! Almost every bit has been improved, simplified controls, more animations, better cut scenes! From a technical
point of view, it is now memory safe too! Click the link to find out more!
⭐ 🐘 Now on Mastodon!
You can now follow this site on Mastodon! Site updates will be posted there now as well as here. Thanks for following!
⭐ 📝 Notepad Minor - Java Application
A very basic text editor with options that make it well suited to exam conditions. When exam mode is enabled, it will force
students to enter their candidate details and the auto save/archive options should make it more difficult for work to be lost! Configurable
using a simple text file! Click the link to check it out!
⭐ ☕ Running Java Applications - Guide
There are many Java games and applications on this site but getting and installing Java is not as easy as it should be! Click
the link to find out how to get and install Java on to your PC.
⭐ 🕰️ Clock - Java Application
Another clock! This one is a Java application, useful in situations where you need an large offline clock! The colours can
be changed and as it is a Java application, should run on Apple and Linux devices too!
Update v0.2 (30/03/2024) - Bugs fixed and various features added!
🚧 Website Move 🚧
This website is on the move again! There may be issues while things settle!
Update - Everything successfully moved across and hopefully now with an added security and performance boost by CloudFlare!
⭐ 🕰️ Exam Clock - Educational Web Utility
Large simple clock with a choice of colours! The page it's on is also darker themed than the rest of the site so not
to be distracting! Need a giant clock? Click the link!
✔️ 🕹️ FBGD Competition Entries - Windows Games
A bit of site tidying, this page contains all my entries to the various FreeBASIC Game Dev competitions. The page
has always existed but was not easy to find, the games were already listed on the site so the page was used as an easy link
to put in fourm posts. It is now much easy to find!
⭐ 🧊 Ray Tracer - Command Line Image Generator / Guide
Port of the C++ Business Card Sized Ray Tracer also created by Andrew Kensler to the D Programming Language! As with the
Path Tracer, this benefitted a lot from parallelism, click the link for more information!
⭐ 🧊 Path Tracer - Command Line Image Generator / Guide
Port of the C++ Postcard Sized Path Tracer created by Andrew Kensler to the D Programming Language! Click the link to get
the program and source plus read the guide which explains how it was ported and how using parallelism was
used to make it faster!
⭐ 🗜️ Squish File Compressor - Command Line Utility
New version of my file compressor, originally made to shrink files for the Cybiko! It is reasonable for text files but for most tasks, you
are better off looking for something else. This version was made using the D Programming Language which means it has some
degree of memory safety!
⭐ 📚 Performance Optimisation in D - Guide
When porting Squish (above) to D, it initially had terrible performance doing the decompression. This guide shows
how the problem was found and fixed resulting in an almost 30x speed increase!
⭐ Anim2Bmp Converter - Command Line Utility
All new! Takes an Amiga Animation and creates a sequence of bitmaps from it! These can then be run through FFMPEG or similar to
create animations that are easier to view. It is a combination of the C# player and D iff2bmp also on this site. Source is
⭐ D Programming Language - New Website Area
Despite previously saying I am skipping exotic languages, I have decided to restore the D content, this time in it's own area! This means
the D versions of many command line utilities are back (with source) and the programming guides too. Although not perfect, it really is a
good, fairly memory safe, programming language and hopefully this new section will help increase awareness of it!
Find out more here!
⭐ 🚑 Sentinel : IRM - Application
All new! Sentinel is an Incident Response Manager, users can log problems and designated responders can view and respond to them! It is made
up of a server component (made with Google Go) and a desktop notifier application.
Find out more here!